Bees Quiz
- How much do you know?

Try this quiz and test your knowledge about the different kinds of bees! Click the button below to get the answers.

1. Which of these statements is true of cuckoo bumble bees?:

a) This particular species has a distinct wing vein pattern, thought by the discoverer to resemble that of the wing of a cuckoo bird.

b) The 'cuckoo bumble bee' is the common name for the bee whose scientific name is “Bombus cuckularis”

c) Cuckoo bumble bees behave in ways similar to the cuckoo bird – that is, they lay their eggs in the nests of other bumble bees.

d) The species is named after its discoverer, a Victorian amateur entomologist, Reverend Edward Cucklow, whose own nickname was 'Reverend Cuckoo'.

2. For what reason do honey bees make honey?

a) For feeding to the local squirrels.
b) For humans to eat.
c) For storing food to feed the colony over winter when they are unable to forage.
d) They have nothing better to do.

3. Which of these is not made by honey bees:

a) Manuka honey
b) Cactus honey
c) Clover honey
d) Heather honey

4. The tendency of some species to make a home and live commensally with others is called....

a) Parasintillismosis
b) Cuckulism
c) Inquilinism
d) Ventriloquism

5. Which of these is the odd one out: 

a) Raspberry sorbet
b) Pea soup
c) Blueberry muffin
d) Omelette

6. Bees are related to which of these invertebrates:

a) Dragonfly
b) Wasp
c) Dung beetle
d) Butterfly

7. Bees belong to which insect order?

a) Hymenoptera
b) Hemiptera
c) Blattodea
d) Diptera

8. Which important function do bees perform in the eco-system?

a) Air traffic control
b) Natural pest control
c) Pollination
d) None of these

9. Which of these bees is a cleptoparasite?

a) Gooden's nomad bee
b) Wool carder bee
c) Tawny mining bee
d) Orange-legged furrow bee

10. How many times per second do bumble bees beat their wings?

a) 100 times per second
b) 200 times per second
c) 500 times per second
d) 1000 times per second

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