Buzzzzzz........So Many Flowers, Such Little Time!!

by Sandra Bright (Wootton, Lincolnshire, UK)

Sandra says:

"We grow our own organic fruit and vegetables.
If foxgloves and other flowers pop up among the vegetable patch, we let them grow.
They attract bees and other beneficial insects."

A Poem About Bees

Come to my garden little bumble bees,
I've grown so many flowers for you to please,
I have lupins, foxgloves and delphiniums too,
Hundreds of borage seeds I collected especially for you.

It is so easy to grow my own seeds which are organic,
You won't be poisoned here dear bees, no need to panic!
My lawns are covered in flowers all over,
I know how much you bees love clover!

I have a pesticide free zone for you to discover,
Its ALL of my garden as I'm a bee lover!
Come to my garden little bumble bees,
I've grown so many flowers for you to please.

Cottage garden flower border, with alliums, lupins, delphiniums and many moreSandra's wonderful cottage garden border provides lots of food for bees and other pollinators

By Sandra M. Bright

What should a garden be?

Sandra says:

"My garden is not just for me and my hubby. We share it with our cats, chickens, goats, and ducks.

But also, our garden belongs to everything that lives in it, from the colonies of ants to the worms in the ground.

When we sit by our pond and gaze across the shimmering surface, we see dragonflies dancing on the water.

Living around the edge of the pond are bees, lots and lots of mining bees between the rocks and plants. On hot days, they land on the lily pads to take a drink.

Our garden is not perfection to the eye. We don't worry too much about it being too ordered. When a foxglove decides to grow in the middle of my onion bed, it is allowed, because the bees love them.

The author sitting on a seat over looking her pondSandra sitting by her pond

We have a lavender hedge that is visited by lots of bees of all kinds, too many to count. Our garden is abundant with ladybirds, and butterflies and many other insects too.

In winter, we leave our flower borders to die back naturally, and looking closely at the dried out stalks and flower heads, we see spiders and creepy crawlies who have made them their home.

It's not necessary to clear everything away to make it neat and tidy, hedgehogs appreciate a few piled up logs and leaves.

Sandra's brick shed, and a vegetable patch in front of it.Sandra's organic vegetable patch and barn

We grow all the vegetables we need in our garden, and extra cabbages and greens for the ducks and chickens and goats.

But flowers, I love flowers! Flowers in the borders; flowers among the vegetable plots to encourage the beneficial insects to pollinate my vegetables and fruits; flowering shrubs for spring and summer; and flowers in pots and baskets!

We have started some cutting flower beds which are all traditional English garden flowers.

Everything grows away happily without too much interference from us. No need to use any pesticides at all. There never is a good reason to use chemicals in the natural environment. Everything can survive pretty well when left to its own devices.

We are just visitors in our garden, along with everything else that shares it with us."

Site owner's note: What a wonderful poem! Thank you! Your garden sounds like 'Bee Heaven'. Actually, it sounds like 'Wildlife Heaven'!

I agree with your sentiments about your garden being not just for you and your hubby, but the creatures that live in it. I think we temporarily share this planet with the other species on it, all of which have a right to life and have a role to play. It sounds very much as though you work with nature. Thank you!

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