Organic Plants And Seeds From Bee Happy Plants

Supplying organic plants and seeds, organic herbs, shrubs and trees – loved by bees and pollinators!

bee happy plants logo


Authorised to issue 'Plant Passports' and 'Supplier Documents' on a range of species identified as at risk.

About Us

bumble bees foraging

We are Organic Growers situated on 14 acres of organic land (certified by the UK Soil Association – reg number G8492), incorporating permaculture principles, and where we are establishing a Bee Sanctuary with profits from our organic plants and seed sales.


All of our organic plants and seeds are varieties which are favourites with bees, and attractive to a range of pollinators. Most of them are also culinary or medicinal herbs or fruit.

Our range is totally organic and includes: Potted and plug plants, culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, shrubs, trees, wildflowers and wild plants. We also supply organic seeds and wild species seeds. This of course means there are no chemical residues in any of our products.

We also organically propagate any species of plants, for which we stock seed, to order. Please contact us to confirm your requirements.

Sarah at her bee happy plants stand

Coming Soon

Heritage varieties of vegetables will soon be available.

We believe heritage variety vegetables are highly important, and need to be encouraged in gardens. Vegetables from heritage seeds have been slowly bred over time; their seed is viable. They depend on open-pollination which benefits pollinators and thereby contain a far greater gene pool than modern uniform cultivars.

This means the seeds can be harvested and preserved for future generations, to ensure diversity and stability of food supply (rather than dependence on commercial growers who are increasingly using a smaller number of cultivars which are increasingly not open-pollinated).

All open-pollinated plants, which include wild species plants, heritage cultivars, and many modern ‘OP cultivars’ which are allowed to flower, are also better for bees and all other pollinators.

If we do not keep on growing heritage varieties, these plants will disappear, as commercial growers are more and more growing F1 hybrids (even organic growers – because of pressure by supermarkets for ‘perfect’ looking vegetables). These seed also cannot be saved.

Ultimately with so few cultivars in circulation, and so few being open-pollinated, we will be left with almost no choice in each vegetable type. The several hundred years of vegetable plant breeding – with its massive and diverse gene-pool - will be lost for all future generations.

Likewise, if we do not keep on growing wild plants in our gardens, they too could become extinct. Representing a loss of many millions of years evolutionary development on each species, but more importantly, it means the loss of pollinators which have symbiotic relationships, and dependency, with theses wild plants.

Our Philosophy

We support organic plants and seeds and open-pollinated varieties of plants (that is, pollinated naturally by insects such as bees, in the field) and wild plants, because we feel this is better for biodiversity.

1. "Happy Plants Make Happy Bees!"

We propagate all our plants FROM SEED, and are helping to save HERITAGE Seed.

comma butterfly

The reason we propagate from seed is to promote a healthy genetic diversity.

Many large garden centre chains propagate by cutting (this is because cuttings reach a saleable size more quickly) – often bright, highly cultivated plants, with minimal value to pollinators.

There are huge drawbacks for the environment in filling our gardens with such cultivars:

  • Cultivars, or 'clones' are artificially altered wild plants which no longer produce viable wild seed and therefore can no longer evolve naturally as nature intended, to environmental influences such as climate change, pest or disease evolution. This means we have 'tight-jacketed' this plant species' ability to survive a changing environment.
  • They only have the life expectancy of the parent altered plant.
  • They contain any disease the parent altered plant may have.
  • Their blooms have been artificially bred solely for their 'eye-candy', but have minimal if any value for pollinators. Those plants are created purely for money-making, not for the health of the environment or pollinators.

2. No Chemicals
On our 14 acres full of organic plants and herbs, we do not use chemicals, and the use of chemicals should be avoided more widely.

Nature asserts its own balance in the garden. There are beneficial insects which will not let the pests dominate. There are beneficial fungi which will not let the bad fungi dominate. The weeds can be kept in check by mowing, or crowding out with beneficial ground-cover plants.

Provide wild areas for beneficial insects (such as large patches of nettles) and never cut these, and you will be amazed! You will have all you need to keep a check on any pest - they are a necessary food for our bug-friends!

You can read more about Bee Happy Plants, and our range of organic plants and seeds on our website, as well as order goods for worldwide delivery.

Bee Happy Plants Ltd,
Lakehayes Organic Nursery (Wholesale Nursery), South Chard,
TA20 2NZ.

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leafcutter bee on sweet pea plant sweet peas for bees