Firstly, I am grateful if you share pages of this website with your contacts! Thank you :)!
I do not have a donate button, however, if you would like to support me in any way, and if you are an Amazon customer, perhaps you would be prepared to use one of the links below prior to placing an order?
This will not cost you anything, but it helps me to support myself and the cost of running the site.
If you click on one of these links below, you will be taken to the Amazon website, then whatever you buy, I will receive a very small percentage in commission - even if it is not an item mentioned on this site - as long as you click on the link first.
Here are the links (simply click, then move on to the product you wish to purchase):
I decided to publish a website (rather than a book) in order to make the information freely available to all.
I add to the information on a regular basis to keep people informed about bees, the challenges they face, how to help them, as well as information about life cycles, resources for children etc.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my site....and..
Thank you! :o)
Pssst ... spread the word!