The 'Home' or 'Natural'
Bee Sting Remedy

Updated: 29th April 2021

I do not know of any scientifically proven home or natural bee sting remedy, nor have I had cause to use them. When I was a child, I seem to recall my mother applying calamine lotion. Other than that, I recall crying because I was worried about the bee (I thought it would die - now I know that not all bees die after they sting you). 

In short, I do not know whether these remedies work, although if I were to be stung by a bee, I'd probably try a couple of them out.

Please note that if you have been stung by a honey bee and the sting remains in your skin, firstly, remove the sting using a blunt ruler or the flat of your hand.

In any case, if your symptoms are serious, or if you are concerned, it is better not to take chances. I recommend you get medical assistance quickly.

Read about  bee sting reactions. 

Home Remedies For Bee Stings

Bumble bee on knapweed.Bumble bee on knapweed.

1.  The simplest natural home bee sting remedy: Ice

Obviously cooling, soothing, cheap, and a great help against the swelling.  Read about why bee stings hurt.

2. Toothpaste

It is believed the glycerin in most toothpastes dries out the venom concentrated under the sting area, whilst the alkaline properties neutralize the acid in the bee's venom.

3. Sodium bicarbonate

A paste of made of baking soda and water or baking soda and vinegar is believed to reduce itching.

3. Parsley

Crush fresh parsley leaves (above) and apply to a bee sting to help ease pain and neutralize the venom.

4. Onions

Rubbing a slice of raw onion on a bee sting is said to help prevent infection as well as help draw out toxins.

5. Potato

Potato apparently also contains allantoin. Peel and crush a potato, apply it to the sting.

And last but not least...

6. Lemon Juice

Applied directly to the skin, lemon is reported to reduce itching.

Bee sting remedy made with wild plants & herbs

If you wish to try a plant or herbal bee sting remedy, you could see whether or not parsley, mallow plantain help.

Mallow Leaves
Soak fresh leaves in hot water to make an effective poultice for wasp and bee stings - believed to reduce inflammation. Marsh mallow leaves in particular are believed to be especially helpful.

Honey bee flying toward prairie mallow.Honey bee flying toward prairie mallow.

Leaves of the Plantain plant (Plantago major or P. lanceolata)

Crush the leaves of the plant. Placing them directly on the sting area for several minutes. Plantain reputedly contains allantoin, a substance that soothes inflammation.

Stop Press!

a slab of honey comb on a white plateNatural comb honey may help relieve bee stings. Honey certainly has antibacterial properties.

I received a great little email via the contact form on this website, from a Mr Paul Slattery of the USA. He said:

    "I read with interest your remedies for bee sting. Shortly after I got started in beekeeping 35 years ago, an old beekeeper told me about putting a dab of raw honey on a sting (after flicking away the stinger). It has worked for me ever since. Within minutes, the pain is gone. Good reports from others also ... family members, visitors and guests. If it is a placebo, it is a very good one.
    Oh, and... nice website!"

Thank you so much for sharing your tip Paul and for your kind comments about the site!

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