Environmental Audit Committee Insects and Insecticides

This letter formed part of a campaign between 2011 - 2013 in the UK.  Many of the points and research mentioned are still relevant in 2017.

Earlier letters:

EDM 1267

EDM 2664

EDM 2664 Follow Up

MP Follow Up Letter

But of course, you should only write a response you feel comfortable with, depending on the communication you received.  So do read the letter below carefully, and change as you see fit or to make it relevant to the response you received!

Dear MP/Government Representative

I write in response to your reply to my recent letter, concerning my support for a ban on neonicotinoid insecticides, in line with the Buglife position and the Precautionary Principle.

I am afraid I find your response unacceptable, indeed, it is difficult to believe you even took the time to read the letter.

Contrary to your view and the previous standard DEFRA response that the UK has a satisfactory or robust system for testing pesticides, it is patently obvious that this is not the case.

It is for this reason that EFSA will be reviewing some evidence from industry following the EFSA report which highlighted many grave areas for concern with regulatory standards for pesticides (including, for example, unsuitability for testing systemic pesticides like neonicotinoids).

Whether the subsequent review of industry evidence will be impartial (i.e. free from industry influence) and transparent is a matter we must yet contend with.

I am sure you are aware of the current Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry into Insects and Insecticides. As my elected MP, I insist you immediately send my original letter to Owen Patterson, as originally requested please, (I did not ask you for your comment on the current regulatory situation for pesticides).

If I do not receive Mr Patterson’s response via yourself within a reasonable time frame, I shall take into account your handling of my request in time for the next election.

As a reminder, the content of my previous letter is as follows:

Copy points 1 to 10 onwards once more from the original letter

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